
Sales is not exactly like riding a bike…if you’re not selling, you will get rusty. Here are a few skill refreshers for the vets and drill sheets for the newbies.

[h4]Ratio Calculator[/h4]

[h4]Simple Sales Success Plan[/h4]
Veteran sales reps, newbies and even managers can all benefit from a sales plan refresher. Here is a simple drill to hold yourself accountable for your success and create new key strategies. I suggest using data from a 6 month time frame for this plan.


[h4]1. Close Ratio[/h4]


[h4]2. C’s to A’s[/h4]


[h4]3. Leads on a Silver Platter[/h4]


[h4]4. Put it All Together[/h4]



[note title=’1. Close Ratio’]What is your effective closing ratio? This can be calculated by adding up the sales closed in a period of time and then divide by the sales pitches made in that same period. This will show the amount of selling activity required to reach your goal. A lower closing ratio could signal potential issues with prospecting but an abnormally high ratio could also signal that you’re taking only the top opportunities and not focusing on the big picture.

Use the calculator above to discover your closing ratio.
Value A: # of sales closed per time frame
Value B: # of sales proposals per time frame
Result: This is your Closing Ratio.

[note title=’2. Cs to As’]What is your ratio of C prospects to A prospects? For this purpose consider C’s as “lookers” and A’s as “buyers.” So how many lookers to you have to approach to get a buyer? For this calculation consider C’s as those you have made initial contact with and the A’s as those ready to purchase a solution that you could provide.

Use the calculator above to discover your C to A ratio.
Value A: A prospects
Value B: C prospects
Result: This is your C to A ratio.

[note title=’3. Leads on a Silver Platter’]This one is very simple. How many C prospects or warm leads are handed to you every year?

[note title=’4. Put it All Together’]If you are a 10% closer and you want to make 14 sales, then you will need 140 “A” Leads.

If your C to A ratio is 50% then you will need 280 “C” leads to reach your goal.

If your company is handing you 200 leads, then you will need to generate 80 more on your own.

Goal: Double those self-generated leads!


[bulb style=”background:none;padding:25px 30px 10px 30px;” title=’Your Results’]You may copy and paste your ratio results into the form below and then print for your reference.


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